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If there is something you would like that isn’t on this list – please just ask!
Sparky's a retired baker with 25+ years’ experience – he can make anything and I've got a whack of recipes i've been dying to try out!
Baked good are made fresh – never frozen. Take N Bakes Meals are made fresh then frozen for your convenience.


$35.00 minimum order for delivery

Note:  Prices indicated below are the lowest prices in the category - prices per item will be shown in your cart

Nana's Kitchen is our retirement project - we'll work with you to get your order ready as soon as we can but, sometimes life stops us from doing things quickly - our grandbabies, family and friends keep us busy too!  

When you order you will receive an email from us confirming your order, scheduling delivery and giving you payment options.  

The amount of support we've received is amazing and we thank everyone who has ordered and continues to order.  While we continue to support shelters and recovery houses and local associations like NightShift Ministries, we are proud to work alongside Tiny Sparks Foundation, who concentrate their efforts on at risk youth.  Click on either of the logos here to go to their websites and learn more!  The more we do - the more we can help them!

Thank you for helping us help others!

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NightShift Love Hope Purpose bw (003).pn
Surrey, BC

© 2021

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